Please type your text in the black frame below.
The price of your making up is displayed in real time, it is firm and fixed. | |
![]() | : Delivery in Relais Colis or Kiala. The solution most practical ! Your parcel delivered in the partner shop closer to yours'. Delivery within 48 h maximum everywhere in continental France. Withdrawal with checking of your identity paper and countersignature. The choice of the partner shop is suggested when your order is done and ready to leave. A colleague will call you on the phone and will propose you different addresses available. |
![]() | Delivery to the office - Your parcel delivered to a professionnal address Delivery in 48h maximum. You have to be there from 8 am to 6 pm without a break. The hour of delivery is not known in advance. The delivery in continental France are made from Monday to Friday. |
![]() | Home delivery - Your parcel is delivered at your's Delivery within 48h maximum. You have to be present from 8h am to 6pm without a break. The deliveries are done in continental France from Monday to Saturday. Delivery on Saturdays only in the principal towns. |
![]() | Colissimo This mode of transport is retained for the smaller parcels |
3 methods of payment are available. | |
![]() | Payment by card on secured terminal Banque Populaire. The payment by card is totally secured by the Banque Populaire. |
![]() | Paypal world #1 of the online payment. Since 19998, Paypal has been the simple and secured way to pay online. |
![]() | Payment by cheque Your order is validated at the date of your cheque's receipt. |
| |
![]() ![]() |
Our plaques in solid black granite, 1st choice : Our genuine plaques in engraved glass : The artistic work of portraits : The photos/ medallion porcelain : |
Real reliables opinions, checked by an independant organism : Fia-net.
How is FIA-NET confidence mark usefull ?
The FIA-NET confidence mark is a mark of openness
which makes you benefit from an unique computer service
when you're buying on websites owners of this mark.
The aim is to help you to distinguish web's merchant the most reliables,
by showing their achievements, obtained by their clients' marking.
Only people who have ordered receive the questionnaire of satisfaction.
At us, there are not false opinions !
How are marked the e-trade websites?
Each day, FIA-NET analyzes thousands of transactions
made by participating sites.
We send to any of our buyers questionnaires of satisfaction
further to their purchase and after the expected date of delivery.
Those questionnaires have the purpose to measure the performances
of our E-trade partner websites, and, in particular,
their capacity to respect their commitment regarding
delivery time, conformity of delivered products,
complement of the site…
Our forum is also at your disposal to see clients comments or to let yours.
Cost's details
This cost is calculated in real time, it suits exactly to your visual making.
Free delivery in metropolitan France. Others countries fare : click on 'order'
Plate : 0 €
Text high definition, engraved, finish natural light grey : 0 €
Text engraved and painted in colour : 0 €
Text engraved and gilded with 24 carat gold leaf (1000/1000th) : 0 €
Drawing high definition, engraved, finish natural light grey : 0 €
Pattern stylized engraved and gilded with 24 carat gold leaf (1000/1000th) : 0 €
Pattern stylized engraved and painted in colour : 0 €
Photo / portrait of art, engraved, finish natural light grey : 0 €
Photoporcelain high resistance : 0 €
Memorial plaques in black granite #1 choice, polished bright face and sides.
Polished stable guaranteed by traditionnal polishing. ( Without varnish nor silicone)
Stable engraving truely engraved in the mass ( no laser tracing, serigraphy or digital printing).
Choose one of the following criteria.
Memorial plaques in genuine glass, polished bright sides.
Perfect and stable performance outdoors ( Like home's or car's windows)
Stable engraving hollowed in the mass ( no laser tracing, serigraphy, digital printing)
Choose one of the following criteria.
Genuine glass blocks. Sold alone or on a granite socle.
Perfect performance outdoors. Stable engraving hollowed in the glass ( 2D) and in the granite.
Guaranty without laser tracing, serigraphy and digital printing
Choose one of the following criteria.
Les catégories : |
Several hundreds of patterns are available,
Click on the below categories.
Drawing truely engraved in the material. ( No laser tracing or printing) | The categories : |
Several hundreds of patterns are available,
Click on the below categories.
Stylized patterns truely engraved in the material. Finish 24 carat gold or colour. | The categories : |
Please provide a photo of good quality, original and without any touching up !
Certainly don't alter your original photo !
The touching up from non profesionnals harm the final result !
The photo to reproduce is digital.
It comes from a digital camera or a scanner of quality.
Format .jpg
30 Ko at least.
The photo to reproduce is argentic. ( former photo paper)
Don't use a printed photo by a printer.
Send your photo by mail to RENAUD Gravure,
it would be returned with your order.
![]() ![]() | Import your image file Format agreed : .jpg 30 Ko at least. Centre your image with the help of the following buttons : |
Framing : Please choose the opposite wanted framing : Photography to send to : Atelier d'art RENAUD Gravure 2 rue de la chenaie Z.A. de la Croix de Sarthe 49460 Cantenay Epinard France The photo will be returned to you without any damage, in your order's parcel. | ![]() Framing on the face ![]() Framing from top to toe ![]() Framing entire photo. |
| Summary The opposite visual simulates your future photoporcelain, respects its size and its options. Your photo is not shown, because the graphic and artistic work will be done manually after order. None study is done before order. Creation of visuals in progress… ![]() |
The final graphic of the porcelain is going to be done manually and artistically after order.
Please provide a photo of good quality, original and without any touching up !
Certainly don't alter your original photo !
The touching up from non profesionnals harm the final result !
The photo to engrave is digitial.
It comes from a digital camera.
Format .jpg .png or .gif
30 Ko at least.
The photo to engrave is argentic. ( Former photo paper)
Don't use a printed photo by a printer.
Send your photo by mail to RENAUD Gravure,
it will be returned with your order.
![]() ![]() | Import your image file Formats agreed : .jpg .png (24 bits) 30 Ko at least. Centre your image with the help of the following buttons : |
Framing : Please choose the opposite wanted framing : Photography to send to : Atelier d'art RENAUD Gravure 2 rue de la chênaie Z.A. de la Croix de Sarthe 49460 Cantenay Epinard France The photo will be returned to you without any damage, in your order's parcel. | ![]() Framing on the face ![]() Framing from top to toe ![]() Framing entire photo. |
Crapping, please choose one of the two options :

A crapping is manually done,
the background won't be engraved in order
to set off the principal subject of the photo.

No crapping, background not changed.
The background will be visible like on the original,
so it will be engraved.
| Summary This visual is temporary. Your photo is going to be worked personally by the engraver artist Jocelyn RENAUD This manual work is made after order. Please fit the dimension and position of this visual on your plaque exactly as you wish it would be in reality.. Choose the number of portraits to work, then click -Integrate the engraved photo- Creation of visuals in progress… ![]() |
The final graphic of the image to engrave is going to be done manually and artistically after order.
If the memorial monument is light, the engraving in white is going to be less visible.

the white engraving is well visible on all monuments except on the light one.
If you do not know the colour of the memorial monument,
we advice you to opt for a granite plaque.
Adhesive plaques : the necessities to well sitck.

a fitted support such as polished granite, glass or flat metal.
The surface must be smooth, straight, without bumps and clean.
If it is not the case, please choose a pierced plaque to screw.
Pierced plaques, to screw : some advices.

The screws and hide screws provided are in polished brass.
You must pierce the support with a 6 mm in diameter.
Preferably use a drilling machine, or at least a hammer drill
Selection of the country of delivery
Free delivery in Relais Colis in metropolitan France
- International delivery -
Selection of the delivery mode
Relais-Colis TNT or UPS : FREE
Partner shops, the most practical solution :
To choose after manufacture, our adviser will contact you just before the sending.
Delivery within 48h, parcel available during 8 days.
Relais-Colis TNT or UPS : 9 €
Partner shops, the most practical solution :
To choose after manufacture, our adviser will contact you just before the sending.
Delivery within about 72h, parcel available during 8 days.
At home : 10 €
Obligation of being present at your's from 8h am to 7pm without a break to meet the carrier.
In case of absence the parcel will be left to a partner shop you haven't chosen
Delivery within 48h max.
At home : FREE
The parcel is left in your mailbox.
At home in Corsica : 15 €
Obligation of being present at your's from 8h am to 7pm without a break to meet the carrier.
In case of absence the parcel will be left to a partner shop you haven't chosen
Delivery within about 72h.
At work : 10 €
Obligation of being present at your's from 8h am to 7pm without a break to meet the carrier.
In case of absence the parcel will be returned to the carrier warehouse.
Delivery within 48h, parcel available during 8 days.
At work in Corsica : 15 €
Obligation of being present at your's from 8h am to 7pm without a break to meet the carrier.
In case of absence the parcel will be returned to the carrier warehouse.
Delivery within about 72h, parcel available during 8 days.
Collection in shop : FREE
Your parcel is available at the company.
Thank you to make an appointment for a better organization.
At home : €
Your parcel is delivered by the standard mail service.
Delivery within 2 or 15 days according to the destination.
At home : 5 €
The parcel is left in your mailbox.
Choose of the Relais-Colis / Kiala
![]() | After manufacturer of your order, our advisor Françoise will contact you to suggest you different address of shops. Some Relais are opened and others closes, that is why we prefer to suggest you them just before the delivery. |
![]() |
Delivery coordinates
Name : | <-Error ! | |
First name : | <-Error ! | |
E-mail address : | <-Error ! | |
E-mail address ( confirmation ) : | <-Error ! | |
CellPhone : | <-Error ! | |
Phone : | <-Error ! | |
Number and street : | <-Error ! | |
Number and street ( remainder) : | <-Error ! | |
Zip code : | <-Error ! | |
City : | <-Error ! | |
Country : |
Invoicing coordinates
Name : | <-Error ! | |
First name : | <-Error ! | |
E-mail address : | <-Error ! | |
E-mail address ( confirmation ) : | <-Error ! | |
CellPhone : | <-Error ! | |
Phone : | <-Error ! | |
Number and street : | <-Error ! | |
Number and street ( remainder) : | <-Error ! | |
Zip code : | <-Error ! | |
City : | <-Error ! | |
Country : | <-Error ! |
Fastening option.
85 Gr. Price : 6 €
Directions for use :
Provide yourself of adhesive.
The support must be perfectly clean and dry.
Put a knob of glue in the center of the photoporcelain,
Position the porcelain at its final place.
Give a light pressure in order to spread the flue.
Sellotape generously to keep it firmly in place.
Wait for 24 hours before taking off the adhesive.
We advice against the use of any other stick.
No thanks, no tube of glue
Order a tube of glue at 6 €
Terms and conditions.
The client is in charge of the spelling in his texts.
We analyze texts and propose you possible corrections.
None corrections is applied without receipt of your agreement.
Renaud Gravure can not be considered as responsible of a mistake non corrected.
The correction of text after engraving is impossible because our engraving is hollowed in the material truely stable.
Formation of the contract
The orders made on RENAUDGravure.com and memorial-plaques.eu websites
commit the client as soon as our customer service receives the order and its payment.
Delivery, transfer of responsability.
it is absolutely essential for the customer to check the state of his product
before signing the travel voucher and to refuse this one if he notices damage.
"The mentions "" subject to unpacking"" indicated on the delivery slip"
do not have any juridical value and can not allow a later appeal.
The signature of the delivery slip by the client
is as good as full acceptance and the product in the state.
The responsabilites of Renaud Gravure, of the carrier and insurrances
are disclaimed in case of damage or break noticed after signature of the travel voucher.
RENAUD Gravure makes its articles delivered by carriers.
The delivery time indicated are those of our subcontractors ( most often TNT ),
a possible delay doesn't give the buyer the right to cancel the sell, to refuse the good or to claim damages.
RENAUD Gravure isn't responsible of the delivery time, since the ordered article has been given to the carrier service ( Mail, carrier, Chronopost…)
RENAUD Gravure is freed from its obligation of delivery for every accidental cases or of absolute necessity.
For information only, total or partial strikes, floods, fires, the non payment are cases of absolute necessity.
The transfer of property of delivered products or to deliver is suspended until the full payment
of the price by the consumer and this, without impact on the transfer of risks.
RENAUD Gravure guarantees the best quality posible for every memorial plaques.
Every complaint for non conformity might have to be passed on in writting in the next 7 days
that follow the date of the receipt of the order.
The right to retraction as defined by the law of the 25th of August 2001 doesn't concern the customized goods
or those prepared according to the buyer's specifications.
The complaint would have to indicate the precise motive for this one, with a copy of the delivery slip.
The photos, graphic studies and drawings are just presented for information only in the goal to guide our customers' choice.
The colour of natural materials and engraving as being able to vary according to the computer screen
used by the net surfer.
The submitted samples can't be used as reference to judge,
the greatest surfaces, differences of grains, colours, just as natural characteristics such as :
knots, shells, geodes, stratum, crystalline veins, points, flames, that could naturally appear
on the delivered goods.
The submitted samples define the material about its provenance and its general tone
but don't involve the identity of colour, crystallization, veining,
drawing with the material used for the order.
The practised engraving is guaranteed stable but RENAUD Gravure would not be responsible of the deterioration
of the visibility of engravings which have received plastic, silicone or greasy products or any other material diffrent from water ( recommanded for engravings' cleaning )
RENAUD Gravure guarantees the stainless aspect of its gilt but the natural wear of this one.
Graphic representations, studies and models
RENAUD Gravure makes studies and graphic models in order to lay out the texts, drawings and portraits.
Renaud Gravure can not be considered as responsible of mistakes contained in the texts written by its clients.
Although worried of suppressing a maximum of spelling mistakes in the texts to engrave,
we recommand to any one to perfectly check before ordering.
For information, the correction of mistakes after engraving is impossible.
These graphic studies, though aesthetic don't represent the real colours of material of engravings.
The photos on the website present to show the real colour of material and
engraving that can nevertheless vary a little bit ( see - guarantees)
RENAUD Gravure can modify its prices at any moment.
Thus, any printed purchase order from this website just has a validity of 30 days as soon as the publishing date.
In the case where the delay has been exceeded and if the order has not been confirmed, the order could not be honoured with the new conditions.
The order payment is payable in advance, for the amount of the order, in one payment.
At the receipt of a payment by cheque, RENAUD Gravure reserves the right to make any authorized controlling,
to check the payment validation. In case of non payment, the order is canceled.
Right of retraction
The right of retraction of 7 days as defined in the law of the 25th of August 2001
doesn't concern the customized goods or made according to the buyer's specifications.
Protection of personal data
Every informations you confide us are done in order to can treat your orders.
They are not communicated to other organisms.
In accordance with the #78-17 law of the 6th January 1978 relative to computing, files and freedoms,
you benefit with RENAUD Gravure from a right to access,
consultation, change, rectification and deletion of your datas you had communicated to us.
Signature and mark
The work done by the workshop of art Renaud Gravure or by the engraver artist Jocelyn RENAUD are signed : RenaudGravure.com,
this signature really discrete measures only 22 mm high.
The non appending of signature is possible, you have to pay 10 euros.
FIA-NET survey
For the operation - Assessed Site - Prenium site - ( FIA-NET logo) :
Your purchase offer you the possibility to take part in to the operation - assessed site - prenium site - organized by FIA-NET S.A.
Through two questionnaires of satisfaction the object of which is to measure the quality
of service that you have received all your purchase act long,
you can inform us about your personal experience and share it to the community of Internet user on FIA-NET site.
These questionnaires might be sent by FIA-NET or by , via electronic mail following your purchase.
The collected informations in those both questionnaires are the subject of an automated treatment
of datas the organism in charge of which is FIA-NET S.A.
Partial answers or absence to answer in one of the two questionnaires of
satisfaction are without direct impact for the development of your order and its treatment.
FIA-NET S.A. and are the consignees of the registered datas collected within these questionnaires of satisfaction.
The datas without name are exploited by FIA-NET in accordance with the regulation
in force and especially with the one about personal datas' protection.
In accordance with the computing and freedoms law of the 6th of January 1978, you have the right at any moment, of access,
rectification, and opposition to the whole of your personal datas by writing,
per mail and by justifying your identity to :
FIA-NET Service Informatique et Libertés
Traitement N° 896150
39, rue Saint-Lazar - 75009 Paris
Any placed order carries of the customer's adherence, and this without any restriction,
to the terms and conditions of RENAUD Gravure which wins over all opposite conditions.
You recognize having read and agreed them, at irrevocable, whole account and without reserve.
Every controversy relative to the sell will be submitted to french law before court of trade of ANGERS.
If differences of translation would appears between the french version and the other version, only the french version will be accepted.
Rights of graphic and software works
Full or partial copies strictly forbidden.
Graphic works and progams registered and protected by our bailiff :
FRADIN TRONEL SASSARD et ASSOCIES - 1 quai Jules Courmont - 69226 LYON CEDEX 02
Technique innovations protected by Invention Patent INPI
Copyright on programs, protected by COPYRIGHTDEPOT.COM Member #00049656
Company officially registered by Drouot cotation.
All our works benefit from an automatic and international protection of rated autor rights.
The RENAUD Gravure company doesn't accept any exception and systematically prosecutes the offenders.
Conditions partner retailers
The application for becoming retailer of memorial plaques RENAUD Gravure are
subjected to the following conditions :
The applicant might be registered in the trade register and to own a Siret number.
The applicant commit himself to not offer for sale the Renaud Gravure products on the internet.
RENAUD Gravure examines each application and reserve the right to accept or refuse a partnership without the obligation to reveal the reasons.
The partner retailer benefits from the following advantages :
Reduction of 10% of the purchase cost.
Free left over of resale.
The plaques sold by the partner don't have the signature - RENAUD Gravure-.
Full or partial copies strictly forbidden.
Graphic and software works registered and protected
by our bailiff : FRADIN TRONEL SASSARD.
Informations by phone to the : (33) 2 41 32 14 13
Your comments ( optional)
You can give further instructions for the elaboration of your order :
Alteration of a photo, alignment text, complement of delivery address, date of receipt …
Please wait,
your making up is in progress of saving…

1 : Récapitulatif :
Référence de votre projet : | ||
Prix du projet : | ||
Une étude vous sera proposée avant gravure mais après paiement. | ||
Le délais estimé de fabrication est : |
2 : Vos commentaires (facultatif)
Vous pouvez donner des instructions supplémentaires pour l'élaboration de votre commande :
Modification d'une photo, alignement d'un texte, complément d'adresse de livraison ...
3 : Pour valider la commande veuillez choisir un mode de paiement :

Ajout d'un produit au catalogue FRANCAIS
3 Mots clefs principaux max. Séparés par un - ,sans espace et sans accent :
Si besoin, Mots clefs supplémentaires séparés d'un espace :
Les visuels ne sont pas encore chargés, NE PAS CLIQUER sur le bouton ci-dessous !
Ajout d'un produit au catalogue ESPAGNOL
3 Mots clefs principaux max. Séparés par un - ,sans espace et sans accent :
Si besoin, Mots clefs supplémentaires en espagnol, séparés d'un espace :
Les visuels ne sont pas encore chargés, NE PAS CLIQUER sur le bouton ci-dessous !
Ajout d'un produit au catalogue ANGLAIS
3 Mots clefs principaux max. Séparés par un - ,sans espace et sans accent :
Si besoin, Mots clefs supplémentaires en ANGLAIS, séparés d'un espace :
Les visuels ne sont pas encore chargés, NE PAS CLIQUER sur le bouton ci-dessous !
Chargement ...
Chargement ...
Chargement ...
Chargement ...
Chargement ...
Chargement ...
Chargement ...
Chargement ...
Chargement ...
Chargement ...
Chargement ...
Chargement ...