Photo of a cyclist in moutain on granite memorial plaque.

A photo of a bicycle rider in rocks mountain on a funeral plaque.

This is a memorial plaque with a photo of a rider. It is a personalised plaque.

To personalise a memorial plaque, you can engrave personal elements. For instance, you can write your own thoughts, a personnal message dedicated to the late person.
Thanks to our configurator you have 12 different fonts, to write it as you want.

You can also choose to engrave a photo, or an image of the deceased. You can choose a symbolic pattern or a representative pattern.

In this example, there is a rider, which is great for a rider too. You can choose this image or decide to load an image of yours.

The epitaph can be gilded with 24 carat gold leaf. There are 6 fonts in gold, and this text is in one of them. It can create a contrast.

An epitaph can be written as you want. Some people write all the dates, in figures or in letters. Some prefer just writing the years of birth and death. We let you free to design your own.

What is on the memorial plaque :

It is a black granite plaque.

There is on the left a great photo of a bicycle rider in moutains. There are rocks and it looks like the rider is jumping between two rocks. The photo is taken from below the character, it is low-angle shot.

On the right there are two texts.
First, a short thought "Forever in our hearts you'll stay, loved and missed every day". It is two-lines-long, written in italics, and lined up with the right.

Then the short epitaph "Peter Simon 1956 - 2014". It is a straight font, centered.

Engravings appear in shades of white and grey.

How to design such a plaque :

This is a model of a funeral marker and you customise it, by a click on the botton below. Then you maintain a click on the element you want to modify and a window opens.

The key to create these texts with different fonts is to create 2. When you go on "Texts", you have the possibility to create 6 different texts. Each those 6 texts can have different size, different font, different position. In this particular commemorative plaque there are two texts, one in "Style 1" and the other in style 10.

The rider. If you decide to reproduce this picture, please click on "High definition drawings" and go for "Cycling". The categories are not arranged in alphabetical order.
There are other photo if you want.

On the botton "Size, position and rotation", you can modify the elements.

Memorial plaque granite  . 20 x 30 cm.

Material : granite     Height : 20 cm     Width : 30 cm     Thickness : 2 cm     Weight (around) : 4.5 Kg

Personalise this memorial plaque

Price calculated in real time

Custom grave plaques

          207 Euros          
The unalterable engravings presented
are included in the price

10 working days of manufactureMaterial in stock

Measurement units